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Freeborn Neck Protocol
Welcome to Freeborn Neck Protocol
Thank You for Enrolling into FNP
The Ligamentum Nuchae & My Self-Discovery Story (6:42)
Meet John 'Freeborn' Welch
Pertinent Anatomy
The Big Picture
Ground Rules & Expectations (3:58)
How To Use This Course (2:54)
Mission One: Hit the Floor (1:30)
Mission Two: Kaizen Principles (1:45)
Mission Three: Reframe Habits (2:24)
Essential Lectures
Grounded Northern Star Overview (5:02)
Grounded Northern Star Demonstration (18:20)
Grounded Northern Star in Real-Time (5:04)
"The Talk" (Posture) (14:11)
Standing Rocket Man Overview (14:36)
Standing / Seated Rocket Man in Real-Time (0:54)
Unleash A Program (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Unleash Program A Overview (3:11)
A1 Grounded Northern Star (17:48)
A2 Grounded Rocket Man Variations (3:28)
A3 Grounded Pullover Variations (6:43)
A4 Grounded Narrow-Stance Rotation (5:58)
A5 Grounded Wide-Stance Rotation (7:32)
A6 Grounded Wide-Stance Contra Cervical Rotation (9:32)
A7 Grounded Thor Spiral (7:43)
A8 Grounded Prone Russian Twist (2:37)
A9 Standing Rocket Man & Haka Tongue (2:42)
Unleash B Program (Tuesday, Thursday)
Unleash B Program Overview (2:09)
B1 Standing Rocket Man Bearded Dragon (3:41)
B2 Kneeling Push:Pull (12:03)
B3 Kneeling Groin Crossover (2:01)
B4 Kneeling Side Flexions (10:58)
B5 Seated 90:90 Hip (17:36)
B6 Grounded Sacroiliac Joint (8:02)
B7 Grounded T-Flex Bridge (1:37)
B8 Grounded Rock-the-Boat (2:20)
B9 Kneeling Deep Split Squat (4:37)
Unleash C Program (Optional, As-Needed)
Lumbar Spine Mobilization (4" Foam Roller) (8:25)
Quadriceps Myofascial Release (6" Foam Roller) (3:54)
Glutes Myofascial Release (6" Foam Roller) (3:56)
Essential Cues
How to Use Essential Cues (1:09)
Standing Rocket Man (2:48)
Intention & Intension (1:27)
Breathing Apparatus (3:09)
Open Hands (2:58)
89:11 (1:38)
Five Points of Contact (1:57)
Haka Tongue (2:18)
Weaponize Elbows (2:00)
Driving North (1:34)
Eye Tracking (2:45)
Wrap-Up & Get-Up (2:44)
Car FNP (3:54)
Bonus Insights: Coaching-Up Claire
Introducing Claire (1:00)
Manual Assessment (part 1) (2:27)
Self Assessment (part 2) (4:44)
Hand Placement & Activation (part 3) (2:48)
Scalp Skin Chin Tuck (part 4) (1:17)
Driving North (part 5) (1:28)
Weaponized Elbows (part 6) (2:04)
Rib Cage Expansion (part 7) (3:35)
Rock-the-Boat (part 8) (1:26)
89:11 (part 9) (2:33)
Grounded Northern Star Overview (part 10) (7:28)
Grounded King (part 11) (6:02)
Grounded Rocket Man (part 12) (7:10)
Bonus Insights: Coaching-Up Jennifer
Introducing Jennifer (1:23)
"Yes" Signals (part 1) (6:11)
Lower Body Manual Assessment (part 2) (6:34)
Middle Body Manual Assessment (part 3) (3:39)
Grounded Northern Star Hand Placement (part 4) (5:03)
Mitigate Pain by Surrounding the Dragon (part 5) (9:24)
Weaponized Elbows (part 6) (5:19)
Driving North (part 7) (2:54)
Rib Cage Expansion (part 8) (1:44)
Grounded Northern Star Overview (part 9) (3:07)
Grounded King (part 10) (4:29)
Surrounding the Dragon Recap (part 11) (2:14)
Standing / Seated Rocket Man (part 12) (7:15)
Reframe Habits (part 13) (6:30)
Bonus Insights: Coaching-Up Billy
Introducing Billy (1:13)
Grounded Northern Star & King Pose (part 1) (3:20)
Grounded Rocket Man (part 2) (3:01)
Grounded Narrow-Stance Rotation (part 3) (5:56)
Grounded Middle-Stance Rotation (part 4) (3:37)
Grounded Wide-Stance Rotation A (part 5) (7:24)
Grounded Wide-Stance Rotation B (part 6) (5:55)
Grounded King (part 10)
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